Decemeber 20, 2020

6th volume of the Women and Public Policy Journal 

Separating Discourse from Practice: What Does the Future Hold for Women in Afghanistan?

Editor in Chief: Mariam Safi, Aziz Koshan

The 6th volume of the Women and Public Policy Journal features 11 articles by Afghan women, exploring the progress made by Afghan women over the past two decades. Titled “Separating Discourse from Practice: What Does the Future Hold for Women in Afghanistan?” the journal offers policy recommendations to help national and international policymakers address gaps as Afghanistan pursues self-reliance and sustainable peace.

Picture of Mariam Safi

Mariam Safi

Picture of Aziz Koshan

Aziz Koshan

Picture of Mariam Safi

Mariam Safi

Picture of Aziz Koshan

Aziz Koshan

