Changing social norms around age of marriage in Afghanistan – Full Report
This full report examines current norms around the Age of Marriage in Afghanistan under today’s Taliban regime. This report is developed by DROPS, in collaboration with GESI team at ODI.
Changing social norms around age of marriage in Afghanistan – Executive Summary
This is an Executive summary that examines current norms around the Age of Marriage in Afghanistan, under today’s Taliban regime. This is developed by DROPS, in collaboration with GESI team
The Mental Health Crisis Among Afghan Women and Girls
The policy brief outlines a severe mental health crisis among Afghan women and girls, driven by the Taliban's restrictive edicts. It reports rising depression, anxiety, and suicide rates, calling for
Traffic Congestion in Kabul City: How is the Traffic Flow Managed?
The policy brief addresses Kabul's severe traffic congestion, caused by population growth and poor infrastructure. It recommends installing traffic lights, building parking lots, reviving bus services, reducing VIP traffic during