Afghan Economy in the Decade of Transformation (2015-2024) Afghanistan’s Journey to Economic Self-Reliance: Assessment & Recommendations
Editor: Mariam Safi
The 2nd edition of the Women and Public Policy Journal features articles by 9 Afghan women, peer-reviewed by regional scholars, exploring challenges and opportunities in Afghanistan's economic development during the Decade of Transformation. The journal covers key areas such as private investment, job creation, revenue generation, agriculture, governance, regional economic integration, and increasing women's roles in both the private and public sectors, all aimed at achieving self-reliance.
Developing Effective Public Policy to Encourage Private Sector Investment in Afghanistan By Tania Aria
Afghanistan-China Economic Partnership: How to Minimize Risks and Achieve Objectives By Zohal Atif
Incentives for Women Entrepreneurs: Status, Gaps and Way Forward By Naheed Sarabi
Afghan Economy’s Achilles Heel: The Symbiosis between Insurgency and Drug Trade By Mariam Wardak
Opportunities to Increase Women’s Involvement in Afghanistan’s Economy By Atifa Safi
Afghanistan: Rule of Law and Economic Development By Sona Mahmod
Challenges to Developing Afghanistan’s Human Capital in the Decade of Transformation By Dilawaiz Hashimi
Afghanistan: A Holistic and Sustainable Approach to Improving Women’s Access to Economic Markets By Rahela H. Sidiqi
Afghanistan and its Central Asian Neighbors: Opportunities and Challenges to Regional Economic Cooperation in the Decade of Transformation (2-Part Series) By DROPS Research Team
Book Review: Farewell Kabul by Christina Lamb By Ayesha Al-Hashimi